What are the 5 famous swords of Japan?

March 25, 2022 2 min read

What are the 5 famous swords of Japan?

One of the symbols of Japanese tradition is their swords. As you would expect, these words were used to defend themselves. Also, some were used for agriculture and other domestic activities. Most of the traditional sword's history can be traced back several centuries. 

Nevertheless, some Japanese swords appear to be more popular than others. It could be because of their shape, history, or durability. Notwithstanding, to learn more about the famous swords in Japan, check out the list below:



The katana sword is associated with the samurai. Also, the swords used by the samurai were called the katana. Interestingly, the katana sword, in some parlance, is seen as the best in the world. Nevertheless, the katana is known to be very sharp and creatively crafted. The katana was so sharp that it cut through the bone of an enemy with so much ease.

The swordsmiths of katanas were one of the best. Nowadays, only licensed craftsmen have a permit to forge a katana. The katana sword is a treasure in Japan that is passed on from one generation to the other.

Dojigiri Yasutsuna

The Dojigiri Yasutsuna is one of the national treasures of Japan. The history of the Dojigiri Yasutsuna dates back to 794 to 1185. Interestingly, their claims that the Dojigiri Yasutsuna was crafted to slay demons. In other words, it was mainly for demons and not mortals.

The first demon, the Dojigiri, was used to slay is called Shuten Doji. The demon Shuten Doji rampaged Kyoto several times and for so long. Yorimitsu of Minamoto slays the demon with the Dojigiri Yasutsuna sword. Also, the Dojigiri Yasutsuna sword is made from ground iron, and its cut is precise.

Onimaru Kunitsuna

Interestingly, Kunitsuna invented a different method of forging swords called the Shoshugen. The origin of this sword dates back to 1185, and it was forged by Awataguchi Kunitsuna. This sword is owned by the Imperial family. Furthermore, the Onimaru measures at least 78.2cm. This Onimaru sword is rarely seen in public because it is owned by the imperial family. 

Odenta Mitsuyo

The Odenta Mitsuyo is considered a national treasure. Amazingly, the Odenta is the shortest sword on this list. The Oddnta Mitsuyo was forged by Mike Denta Mitsuyo in the Heian period. Among other things, the Odenta Mitsuyo is beloved for having spiritual powers and was used to save the princess. According to historians, when the princess suffered from a serious illness, Maeda prayed for her and placed the Odenta by her side. The princess received instant healing.

Ichigo Bankai

The Ichigo Bankai sword is very sharp, and it creates large-scale damage to its target. The Ichigo sword is also used by the samurai. The Ichigo was commonly used for fierce battles when the enemies were considered very strong. Also, this sword is handy and swings well. 


These Japanese swords' history dates back 1,000 years. You can barely find craftsmen that can create the originals of these swords. Opt for the anime sword if you can't afford any of these real swords. 

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